This is a story without an ending, but I can tell you how it began. My wife suffers from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and has for a number of years. It is one of a long list of autoimmune diseases. Her treatment by a Rheumatologist (medical doctor specializing in joint diseases among other things) is not completely effective so she experiences frequent joint discomfort/pain. During one of these periods, she requested that I look into the causes of RA since I liked researching topics on the internet so much
Most people are aware that the internet can be a minefield of truth, partial truth and outright fakery mixed with various sales pitches and scams. The best scams have a veneer of truth with the lies hidden beneath, so it behooves the savvy reader to look for valid references, crosscheck everything and apply rigor to your learning experience. I read up on epistemology and decided to rely on science for validity checks. A specific application of epistemology is called "Street Epistemology," best left for another topic but useful in researching medical topics for separating so-called "faith based" cures or woo-woo.
Perhaps you are wondering at this point what all this has to do with Roundup and glyphosate. Here it comes. Dr. Zach Bush, MD is a proponent of the theory that our planet has been poisoned by these substances and it is messing directly with the microbiome, which means your gut and the body's immune system. He is not the only one, but in watching one of his Youtube videos, I realized that it was also a sales pitch for a line of supplement products that he manufactures and sells, called "Restore." It is not a particularly cheap product either. Naturally my woo-woo filter kicked in and I looked up his operation on, yes, the internet again. Not a slam dunk that this was legit but he has so much science justifying the theory that it is difficult to dismiss as a fraud/scam/scheme of some sort. You have to make up your own mind and I already have some perimeter defense against the Roundup contamination:
Since Dr. Bush has a clinic in Charlottesville, Va., I may very well drag Chris down there for a consult. As I said at the top, this is a story without an end. Please stay tuned and feel free to chime in with your observations.
Most people are aware that the internet can be a minefield of truth, partial truth and outright fakery mixed with various sales pitches and scams. The best scams have a veneer of truth with the lies hidden beneath, so it behooves the savvy reader to look for valid references, crosscheck everything and apply rigor to your learning experience. I read up on epistemology and decided to rely on science for validity checks. A specific application of epistemology is called "Street Epistemology," best left for another topic but useful in researching medical topics for separating so-called "faith based" cures or woo-woo.
Perhaps you are wondering at this point what all this has to do with Roundup and glyphosate. Here it comes. Dr. Zach Bush, MD is a proponent of the theory that our planet has been poisoned by these substances and it is messing directly with the microbiome, which means your gut and the body's immune system. He is not the only one, but in watching one of his Youtube videos, I realized that it was also a sales pitch for a line of supplement products that he manufactures and sells, called "Restore." It is not a particularly cheap product either. Naturally my woo-woo filter kicked in and I looked up his operation on, yes, the internet again. Not a slam dunk that this was legit but he has so much science justifying the theory that it is difficult to dismiss as a fraud/scam/scheme of some sort. You have to make up your own mind and I already have some perimeter defense against the Roundup contamination:
- We added a sophisticated water filter last year that purports to remove >75% of the glyphosate. See Big Berkey Water Filter;
- My wife and I use a quality probiotic;
- I am eliminating nearly all processed foods from my diet and eating more of a plant-based diet. As you will see asserted in the Bush video and Big Berkey link, Roundup rains down on the plants and is in the water table, so it may be of dubious usefulness in this context;
- Adding locally produced sauerkrauts to the diet.
Since Dr. Bush has a clinic in Charlottesville, Va., I may very well drag Chris down there for a consult. As I said at the top, this is a story without an end. Please stay tuned and feel free to chime in with your observations.