This is the third of a 3-part series about Martin Delany, born in 1812 in Charles Town, then Virginia going on to be the first African-American field officer in the U.S. Army, organizer in 1859 of a year long scientific expedition in West Africa, Harvard educated physician, co-editor of The North Start with Frederick Douglass, author of several books including one of the very first important novels by an African-American. It was called "Blake: The Huts of American," the story of a traveling insurrectionist serialized in the Anglo-African magazine in 1858-1860. After Lincoln met him in February, 1865 in the White House, the President immediately sent a memo to his Secretary of War, stating: "Do not fail to have an interview with this most intelligent and extraordinary black man."

With Stephen Luckett as Martin Delany

Made possible with the generous, community-minded support of American Public University System ( to encourage fact-based discussion into the foundational issues from which our nation has evolved.

To Be More Than Equal 1 - Martin Delany to Africa
TRT: 6:56

Martin Delany - To Be More Than Equal 1- fact checker & credits TRT: 17:20

Martin Delany - To Be More than Equal 2, Enthralls West Africa - summer, 1859 TRT: 18:11